Lunch time

I’m afraid it’s yet another shot of a bird at the feeders, but I haven’t posted one of a blue tit for some time, so I hope you’ll forgive me.

After we had watched the service at church online this morning I cooked a roast lunch for Smithers and me. The Traveller hadn’t long had his breakfast (he helpfully made himself a fry up just while I was trying to cook lunch …) so a serving was put on a plate for later for him. We had been expecting our middle son and his family to be joining us, but our youngest granddaughter H was up all night with a sickness bug, so they were confined to barracks.

Not to be thwarted, Smithers dished up lots of meat, roasties, Yorkshire puddings and vegetables, not to mention a bucket of gravy, into lock’n’lock containers and later on I drove round to leave them on their doorstep. The food was gratefully received, with much waving and blowing of kisses as I kept my distance for obvious reasons. H seems a lot better now, but Mummy was fast asleep, utterly exhausted after a sleepless night.

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