How to put on surgical gloves, lesson 1

This morning daughter #2 came round with both of the flower fairies while Mr MC umpired hockey.  I'm afraid that she caught me snoozing in bed after a virtually sleepless night!.  Both girls wanted to see the wound, still with the dressing on of course.  After last night's escape into the gauze of very thin blood and the extensive bruising it did look rather horrible and S-R quickly cover it up saying 'Poor nanna'.  Later when Mr MC returned both girls played doctors and nurses and here S-R is receiving lessons from Mr MC on how to put on surgical gloves:  they have to be blown up like a balloon of course, to make them easier to put on!
Later when my visitors had gone, H, a close friend of daughter #2 arrived with a beautiful bouquet and stayed to chat which was lovely.  So good to feel part of the real world again.

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