Saturday: Bathtime
Today’s Blip is one of the many Mr. Blackbirds in our garden, he’s just had a good old splash about in the “posh birdbath” and was drying himself off and preening whilst the other birds were waiting their turn - NOT patiently, may I add.
Quite mild but overcast all day. MrD went off on his motorbike into the mountains to check how warm his heated jacket was, unfortunately the jacket warmed part of his back and very little anywhere else - it’s being sent back!!
Whilst MrD was on his motorbike, through Llanberis and up to Ogwen lake, I spent a couple of hours out in the garden. I pruned back a self sown Cotoneaster in the garden behind the garage, a very useful tree with late flowers for the pollinators followed by loads of berries which the blackbirds love :-))
Next job was to clear soil and leaves along the path to the greenhouse, this again was the work of the blackbirds who’ve been very busy scratching in the veggie garden whilst the weather has been dry.
Rain arrived around lunchtime, then we had a very wet afternoon, but it’s 7pm now and it feels very mild outside and a few stars have appeared in the sky too!
ADDED LATER: discovered a few bottles of homemade sloe gin in a cupboard … a little sample, sooo delicious! :-)) which I sipped whilst watching Agatha Christie’s “Murder is Easy” on iPlayer.
Love and hugs to all my family XXXX XXX XX
Nos da pawb / goodnight all xx
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