
Cleaner day and time to remove summer slipcovers..if not for winter storage, at least for laundering..(.The alternative of the un-washable upholstery underneath those slipovers being exposed to the whims of Maggie must give one pause..so often those  slipcovers only get as far as the washing machine..,and then get put back on lickety split! )

Whatever, in the meantime, Maggie's favourite napping spots get dismantled and she does not take that lightly...And with her not feeling well, I thought that the loss of the familiar might be an issue for her ...but..not! The adaptability of a cat never ceases to amaze...

While Maggie was hiding from the vacuum upstairs and I was reading at the local library so as not be underfoot, our cleaner Sherri anxious not to make up for disturbing Maggie's comfort zones, created two new cosy chair coverings for her.

 When I returned, I discovered the new chair decor and apparently, so had Maggie ...She had happily declared ownership of at least one of the chairs, and was already taking full advantage of her new digs... 

PS: Just a note to say that Maggie is still showing improvement...she is a little perkier, still cautious about leaping and climbing stairs, still not eating as enthusiastically as before, but seems much more comfortable and has  even resumed some of her more demanding behaviours - to which I respond immediately of course...

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