Guess Who Came To...


Maggie and I were sitting quietly on the sofa as the snow fell outside, when out in the back yard there arose a great clamour -  lots of squawking, squealing, and frantic bird calls..Of course, we ran to the patio door...just in time to witness a large hawk on the ground under the bird feeders attacking some small creature and as we stood there in shock, it finished up and flew off... only to return and perch itself on the back fence.. as if waiting for its second course to appear! ..As all wildlife had since departed, it finally gave up and retreated to the walnut tree and in the end, up higher to the usual perch of other hawks who occasionally have come to visit...

It is certainly a treat to see hawks in the garden..but not a treat to see them having dinner there! My birds feeders were not intended to deliver meals to is a consequence I had never considered....

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