Living my dream

By Mima

Bonus day

I spent most of yesterday thinking today was going to be Sunday. So when I woke up and realised it was Saturday I suddenly gained a day. 

Given how busy life is Chez Mima at the moment, an extra day is seriously useful.

Here is the second in the short series of Mina’s useful kitchen gadgets. This bean shredder is a precious hand me down from Mum’s kitchen, and it is used a lot in summer. I prefer eating hot runner beans like this, and I often use them as a base for curries or casseroles in place of potatoes, rice or spaghetti.

The sourdough loaves were baked first thing, before the weather turned hot again. And I took Bean for a walk early because neither of us are keen on exercise when it’s 30C+. We have both been flopping around this afternoon. 

While my dog twitched and yelped in her dreams I got on with the paintings for my brothers’ birthdays. The picture for #2 is done, but I’m still working on four others, one of which will be for #1. I have to nail it in the next 7 days.

The excitement for the day was watching two fire engines ‘nee-naw’ their way up the hill past my gate in the middle of the afternoon. I had just caught a whiff of smoke on the strong nor’westerly wind, so I was delighted to see them. The smoke smell had gone half an hour later, so presumably the fire was out. I tried to see where it was, but although I could see thin smoke at the top of the hill I don’t know the source. 

It was a timely reminder to go through my evacuation plans, which take the form of lists of things to throw into the car in three different scenarios: immediate evacuation; 1 hour evacuation; and a longer precautionary evacuation. 

I also went through the emergency boxes, specifically the food. It turns out it’s at least two years since I last checked, so some of it needs replacing. And yes, Bean has an emergency box too.

I really have to be prepared for wildfires because Chez Mima is surrounded by trees and gorse. Having my evacuation plan printed out and ready to grab is very reassuring should the worst happen.

Courgette Bisque
50g butter
1 medium onion
800g courgettes
2.5 cups of stock
1/4 teaspoon nutmeg
1 cup cream

Fry chopped onions in butter until soft. 
Add chopped courgettes and stock.
Cover and simmer for 20 minutes or until the courgettes are tender.
Add nutmeg, salt and pepper.
Put it through the mouli, or blend.
Just before serving, stir in the cream.

I freeze it without cream.

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