It's been a busy day, even by my standards. With another very hot day forecast tomorrow I've been catching up with indoor and outdoor jobs which are stupid to do when it's 30C+.
Consequently a lot of the day has been in the kitchen. I've mixed and proved two sourdough loaves, made 3kg of apricots into jam and another 600g into two small crumbles for the freezer.
6 courgettes and an onion have been transformed into Courgette Bisque, also for the freezer. (Recipe available for anybody who wants it.) The final step in making this fabulous soup is to blend it, and I prefer the texture after it has gone through the mouli, rather than the electric whizzer. It doesn't make the most appetising food blip, I admit!
Mum used a mouli a lot: I assume she had it long before electric blenders were invented. I particularly remember her using it to make colcannon, which was a firm family favourite, but she used it constantly for soup as well.
I bought my own mouli about 10 years ago and can't understand how I lived without one for so long. In summer and autumn it is one of the busiest pieces of kitchen gadgetry.
Right. Now I shall go and pick raspberries...
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