I’ve Got A Lovely Bunch Of Coconuts

Yes, we are doing the coconut halves as horses hooves gag. Though as we’re doing Ali Baba, it’s coconuts as camels. It’s a one time gag and it takes longer to untangle them afterwards than it does to “clip-clop” across the stage with them!
However, it’s a really good audience tonight. Joining in at every opportunity, they’re really lifting our performances. It probably means that it’ll be a slightly later finish, but that’s a small price to pay if everybody’s having fun!
Just finished the show and, yes, we were back to the “pre-cuts” finishing time thanks to several ad-libbed extra bits, but we on stage certainly had a great time and I’d like to think the audience did too.
One more day - two performances - to go and hopefully this good mood will carry over and we can finish on a high tomorrow night, despite the increasing number of cast members who are suffering from coughs, colds, sheer tiredness or any combination of the above.
Just shame we can’t get this audience to come back for those shows - that would definitely help!

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