Explore, Dream, Discover

By Snowcycle

Grey Squirrel

The day started off promisingly weather wise, light cloud and even a bit of sun, However as lunchtime approached, the clouds came in off the North Sea. In fact as I set off for a walk, it felt very cold in the wind, and there were spits and spots of rain. Extra 1 shows a very hazy view of Bishop Hill and West Lomond Hill. As I walked through the White Lady Walk, a very quiet alarm call came from one of the squirrels up the tree. They were 2 of them very interested in having their picture taken, main blip and Extra 2. The dark conditions and tree made composing the image a little challenging.

A little light rain in the afternoon, and the clouds made for a very dark afternoon walk. The cloud just seemed to be over Edinburgh, as there was orange light to the west, and a bluish sky to the north. The forecast for Friday is looking a lot better, but I won't hold my breath.

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