The Gardeners' Bible

Well, a change in the weather today. There was a frost overnight, but it began to thaw quite quickly and the day was damp and overcast. 

Spent most of the morning on Dunollie labels - it seems to be taking a long time! 

I went down town again after lunch - sunless and dull with a very faint, almost imperceptible feeling of moisture in the air. Not a good day for photographs really, though I took a few. Had a couple of chats with friends around the town and a few nods with people that I might have known but couldn't be sure! 

When I got home I decided to do an indoor Blip for a change. This is the cover of one of the books which I used a great deal during my working life, in various editions. This particular book was given to me in 2002 by a trio of horticulturalists who were touring Scottish gardens with their wives, and spent a few hours at Arduaine, where I worked at the time. Jim Gardiner was Curator of the RHS garden at Wisley, Roy Lancaster was the former Curator of the Hillier Arboretum and a well-known plant hunter and Michael Hickson was Head Gardener at Knightshayes, in Devon. 

So this book is particularly special and I've been using it today to check up on proper names, and to confirm the countries of origin of the plants at Dunollie that I'm ordering labels for.

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