Rooms with a view

More of the same - a frosty night and yet another sunny day. We could get used to this! Indoors on plant labels this morning - it's taking a while to get this right!

Gym day today, so I walked down to Atlantis for 1.30. Some of the roads along the hill hadn't been gritted, so I was trying to walk in the tyre tracks. An hour playing with the machines, then I decided not to go straight home, but walked down to the sea-front again to make the most of the sunshine before the sun dropped below the hills across the bay. 

I don't take my DSLR on gym days as there's nowhere to put it safely, so I have to make do with my credit-card camera - the Canon PowerShot. It's not particularly good for landscapes, but today's Blip wasn't too bad after a little jiggling. The best of the bunch, anyway. It was taken from the North Pier, looking across the harbour to the red sandstone Argyll Mansions. Residents must get a wonderful view, particularly from those top flats.

Back home for a cuppa and to watch the last episode of Morse. I must have watched the whole series several times over the years - I must just sit down and finish the the final scenes. Goodbye Chief Inspector!

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