Onwards, ever onwards...

Milestones come and milestones go and this appears to be one. 

In fact I began my Blip journey on the 16th January 2015, but a couple of leap years and a sprinkling of back blips mean I've triggered the nine year bonanza. Rather disgracefully I didn't have anything of note with which to mark the occasion, and so I've crafted an image rather than photographed one.

My photography is a bit of a curates egg (good in parts). I'm deeply appreciative of all your kind comments on yesterday's golden greylag, and can only wish all my shots were as good. But as much as the imagery is the journalling, and I do enjoy reading so many of yours.

Anyway, it gave me some pleasure to review the past year's offerings and dig out an arbitrary nine (ten if you noticed the background). I'm looking forward to blipping throughout my tenth year, as ever hoping my photography and waffle entertains and stimulates. Like a rubber duck on a taser...

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