Laurie @ 2920

Wow, what a storm, last night! Janet and I were at the rear of the house, which is west facing and bore the brunt of the thrashing winds and rain. Laurie, on the other hand, slept like a babe. 

I took this shot at lunch today with the light from the dining room window, but added a touch of colour to the otherwise muted background. 

The sky is slowly clearing now, which is just as well because Janet's now driving her back to London. It's been fun having Laurie to stay, and she got the chance to see her brother, Janet's dad, Noel. We had fun yesterday, too. 

Now I'm prepping the house for our next visitor! January is seldom dull, but even so an improvement in the weather would be welcome... pretty please.

Oooh, a blip day! 2920... Laurie's not that old.

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