Leo is the big ONE

Our little grandson is 1 today and I shot over from the office to see him for a couple of hours over tea.   I met Cheryl outside the nursery picking them up, Ivy sat on the ground refusing to move as she didn’t want to leave nursery.  Reverse of most situations! Anyway we wandered back together and Beetle, who was working from home was ready to join in.  

Leo not much interested in his presents, and I don’t blame him as they were mainly off his mother’s shopping list and included a lot of clothes! I’d found him the most beautiful jumper with a lion on it and am looking for a print for his room.  

Set off back home to catch the 8.30 train

The rest of the day was spent trotting between the office and FCC and yesterday’s cranes were indeed to take down the decorations which have now all gone.  

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