Ice Cap

It’s been a productive day, starting with a pleasant hour having coffee in the Atrium with a couple of friends. It was so good to be back there after the Christmas holiday break.

Yesterday after the service of thanksgiving at church I was chatting to a friend who used to work for our optician. She asked after Smithers, and suggested I get in touch with the optician because he would probably be able to provide Smithers with a spare pair of glasses to wear when his eyes get tired, with one lens blacked out so that he’s only seeing with his ‘good’ eye. So we rang the optician today, and he has booked us an appointment for tomorrow afternoon for an eye test, so that he will know how best to help him.

I’ve also done more de-greasing of parts of my oven (this saga will run and run I’m afraid) and some ironing. I then went into the garden around 4.00 pm to fill the bird feeders. I was pleasantly surprised to find it was much less cold than of late, and the sky was still completely light. Slowly, inexorably, the days are beginning to lengthen, thank goodness.

Nevertheless, the bird bath was completely frozen over, as can be seen from this shot, taken after I’d emptied it and then re-filled it with fresh water from the water butt. 

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