I Forgot

After nearly 15 years of finding a photo everyday there’s always that occasion when nothing worthy presents itself and today is that day. You might think that living in the middle of a busy city there are millions of possibilities which of course they are but unless I go out to find them, it’s the same old things in my sights. 

I might have posted another blip of the inside of the Nomad’s Tent this morning when I delivered my Persian runner which daughter #1 took up to Cullen  many years ago and which the Cullen moths enjoyed eating. I have decided to have it demothed and cleaned but not to have it mended. To blip it-I forgot.
I might have posted the icing of my chocolate cake. I forgot.
I might have posted the vacuum cleaner as it did its job in the house or the yellow Marigolds as they whisked the dust from one surface to another or indeed the brush which swept the leaves from the patio. I forgot.

Here is today’s offering. The way sign in Middle Meadow walk and  two window ledges in the Dower House, dust free.

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