
By Combi31

Delia Radicum

Let's be 'aving you - remember that rant from Dhelia Smith - this is a little less radical, even though it's second name is Radicum and its first name just sounds like ...OK, Ill get my coat ...

Every had one of those days where everything you do entitles you to a Phd. in stupidity? Nah, I know, that's just me ..

This morning I cleaned the sensor and mirror on my camera with optical cleaning cloth - which I found out later, was covered in dust - so a cleanish sensor was now filthy - I found this out after having taken some pretty decent photos of some insects.

Then I decided to blow the dust off the sensor and mirror - I had a can of compressed air like the pros use - it was empty, so I took the camera down to the workshop and tried blowing it off with my compressor, set on low power - silly thing to do.

Took some more photos - downloaded them onto the Mac - now full of black spots - maybe oil ...

So this time I did it properly - using sensor cleaning pad and liquid - took my time and it seems clean again!
As I always say, "If you think it's expensive getting a pro to do a job, you should see how much it costs getting an amateur to do it."
Now to practice that little adage ...

Well the sun has finally come out and got its hat on ... for how long - who knows ...

Had a bit of a crisis of confidence with my photographic ability to day - well it has been for a good few days really.
So I tried something suggested by another blipper - focus stacking, which is a bit against my ethos on photography, that being messing around with images.
The long and short is that I couldn't get it to work - mainly because I don't have a remote shutter release for the D70 - I have just ordered one ... let's see if I can get that to work when it arrives and get that confidence back *rolls eyes*

So glad you liked the Cali track from yesterday here's another track by Alain Souchon - C'est déjà ça Hope you enbjoy it and are enjoying your weekend.

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