Past their Sell-by-Date

I wonder why there are so many descriptive adjectives beginning with d to describe a day like today -dreich, dismal, dank, drear, dark, drizzly come to mind instantly. On the other hand there were no slip slidey pavements or icy roads, no snow and not even frost. It’s a shame that in January these extremes seem to be the choices.

I ventured into the city centre this morning where only the hard core visitors were visible and the much vaunted by Edinburgh city council Christmas attractions were slowly being dismantled.
I got my net of oranges from M&S - sometimes a higher price is worth it and then made my way back to Lidl to continue with the shopping.

I was delighted to find when I got home an envelope from Yorkshire with thank you notes from the Grandsons for Christmas and birthday money I’d sent them. Their Mum, daughter#5, is a stickler for politeness and the boys are a credit to her (even if she were the instigator :)).

With my book group coming to me on Friday, I was forced to bake a gluten free cake this afternoon. It is a chocolate one and a joint enterprise between me and Betty Crocker. That’s the sort of baker I am . It should be fail safe but at this moment in time I can’t be sure.

The flowers in my blip are the Christmas ones from Son#1 and are really on their last legs but I am loathe to throw them away before I start over with daffodils.

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