Kaybees Bits

By Kaybee

Downward Spiral

Or maybe it is upwards ......... who knows?

I was over making sure the kids got off to school this morning. I left SWMBO asleep ... I am good that way.

Breakfast when I got home.

I did a spot of turning. Very annoying when the lid broke when I was drilling a hole in it to accommodate a scoop. Luckily the broken piece fitted back very neatly (and superglue is a great invention) 

After lunch I wandered up to the shop to drop off the bag of used coffee pods for recycling and get a carton of milk. I say "wandered", but it was actually a brisk walk as it was rather chilly.

Back to Bags' when Squirrel arrived after school.
The Cygnet prepared and cooked dinner for himself and his sister ..... and his father when he eventually arrived home (Bags is away down south for 3 days with work).

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