Life through the lens...

By ValC

Bobby bushtail.

Oh my it has been freezing cold today. Mainly due to that north east wind.
I say ‘ freezing cold’ but it actually hasn’t been freezing.

We had a very enjoyable wine club meeting last night.
Everyone seemed to enjoy my South African Pinotage.
We also tasted a Chardonnay from California, a white wine from the Planeta vineyard in Sicily .
A red Lebanese wine, and a Valpolicella Ripasso from Sainsbury’s Taste the Difference range which I really liked.
It’s always interesting seeing what other members bring. Such a wide variety of different wines.

I spotted this grey squirrel on next door’s lawn.
I think he was busy digging up beech nuts which had fallen from the overhanging tree.
They should keep him going through the winter.
One of my favourite books when a little girl was the story of Bobby Bushtail. I think I still have it somewhere. Will have to find it for Jude.

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