Geometric Architecture

It was a stretch, but we were out of the house by 8:15 to get to Kathy's by 9. We pulled into her driveway at exactly 9am only to discover that she had been thinking that we were coming at 9:45 and was standing at the sink in her bathrobe when she saw our car drive in.Her first thought was . 'why are they so early?' Her second thought was 'what was I thinking...?' It happens to all of us...and for once it wasn't us. 

Considering the general chaos level that is just a normal part of having small children around, there was very little sign of it by the time Lindsay and the girls left yesterday. By the time John came back from taking them to the train most things were restored to their rightful place and Spike was crashed on his rug. I put one last set of pictures in extras.
And in response to a few questions about the houseboat, here is a link to an interesting article about the Galilee Harbor community where they live. They are the McKenzies mentioned in the opening paragraph. It doesn't show a picture of their houseboat but it explains the interesting community where they live

After a bit of a rest over the holidays, my sewing machine went on strike and had to be dropped off at the repair place on the way home for repair and service. An article in the paper this morning said that the cost of living in Sonoma County has gone up 20% since 2020. It still doesn't quite prepare me for the reality of going to the grocery store or the repair shop. Still, it's cheaper than buying a new sewing machine which, like my cellphone I don't want to replace. We have challenged ourselves to see how long we can make the food that is currently in the larder last. 

Another small story informed us that PG%E has raised their rates...again...and more or less closed down the solar panel industry by no longer paying us for energy that is returned to the grid. It makes the investment in the storage battery worth it as we can use every bit of energy that is produced by our solar panels. I can only conclude that our governor, for all his big talk, is in the pocket of PG&E for he supports the constant increases and the stupid idea that somehow not paying people who DO have solar panels will somehow help those who can't afford them.

My image today is part of a very large apartment complex that has just gone up on the unfortunately named Journey's End, a mobile home park which burned to the ground in the Tubbs Fire of 2017. It's supposed to be 'affordable' housing but I'm willing to bet that it's not as affordable as a mobile home.

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