A jay lands on a tree by the cemetery wall

After a bout of shopping I returned home and dropped all the goods in the house. I suddenly decided I'd g for a short walk to get some exercise, something I do little of these days.

I wandered through the cemetery and took a few snaps of fairly random views and objects. I carried through it  and went out of another entrance onto Horns Road, which as very quiet. It seems that the old farm, which became a riding stables for local people has closed.

Stopped to look across the valleys and thought there were very few birds. I turned back and walked along Horns Road past the cemetery wall and then noticed a bird fly into the tree close to me  and above the wall.

As soon as I pointed my camera I realised that it was a jay, an unusual but not uncommon bird around there. A few seconds after I took this picture through the late afternoon gloom it leapt away to get out of the branches and then flew away down the road and into the old cemetery on the hillside above me.

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