My favourite double bend

We had a wonderful journey home from Edinburgh this morning. The sunshine was brilliant right from the start and there had been a fair  frost, so the fields, forests and glens still in the shade were glistening white.

We stopped briefly at Loch Lubnaig again for a coffee and a windscreen clean - thank you bird! - and then pulled up in a new layby just after Lix Toll on the way to Crianlarich, to take a picture of my favourite double bend in the River Dochart. Daughter One and I have always talked of floating down the Dochart in a rubber dinghy from Crianlarich to Killin - I wonder if we'll ever do it!

Some snowy peaks about too - not quite the Alps, but pretty good anyway and on as an extra!

I went out for a walk round the houses after arriving home, to stretch the legs and enjoy the sunshine. I stupidly went up to McCaig's Tower to see the sun going down and found that in spite of the council guys apparently agreeing with my reasons for saving several special shrubs -  two pittosporums including a lovely 'Silver Queen' and a beautiful variegated Chilean myrtle and several others - they had all been cut to the ground. That's the last time I bother.

A couple more frosty nights on the cards, it seems. I don't mind if we get the sunny days to go with them!

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