Somewhere Over…

…The Rainbow.
Strange sort of day, the rugby club had the Christmas decorations removed today and another tidy up. With a new volunteer on the scene we may now get a little more done. One thing is certain we cannot continue with the few we have, things are likely to come to a head on Saturday, first home game of the year, local derby, first game with the new pay to park in operation and the same three volunteers trying to do everything.
It continued to “bucket down” for extended periods but every couple of hours there was a brief respite and sometimes even a little sunshine peeking through the clouds.
That when today’s shot was taken.

Sam trained in the evening, we were expecting this mud soaked apparition to come through the door, instead we got a relatively clean but little emotional Sam.
Sandy (see Blip of 03/12/2023), had spoken to Sam about supplying her with a decent kit hold-all and today she received it.
Lucky Lady

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