Lazy Day Blip

In truth, a lot of my flower blips are lazy blips!   They're almost always plants that grow just a few feet from either front or back door and most days there is something worth a picture.   Today, a form of Iris histrio which has proved both vigorous and garden worthy both here and in Norfolk.  Although a run of wet summers might not suit it here, being planted in a raised bed originally filled with sharp sand will offset the wet.

Still  laid low with a lurgi, some relief from decongestants and thankfully no return so far of the severe pain in my face that troubled me before Christmas.  A quiet day again, mostly at home.   No energy for big jobs but I've chipped away at sitting down jobs.   Ruth and I have laid a plan with one of her support people to cover taking her to hospital for the scan on Sunday if, as seems increasingly likely, I am not well enough to help.

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