Sunshine and silhouettes

A much better day today! In and around the house this morning - Deck-man Will returned to finish off the leaf-mould brickwork and cut a slab to fill a gap in front of the greenhouse. He'll be back to finish on Monday.

By lunchtime the chainsaw began - my neighbour continuing to cut down my wind shelter. It's in his garden, so there's nothing I can do about it, though the other day when I went to ask how much he was going to remove he told me that he was selling the land and had permission for a deep excavation of the steep slope to build a house. Right opposite our front door! The planning department assures me that no such application has been granted, or even made, so I don't know why he was making it up!

As I walked away the sound of another chainsaw started up down the hill and then while walking past McCaig's Tower I could hear a chainsaw in there too! Oban, the chainsaw capital of Argyll!

I spent a couple of hours away from the noise, walking along the seafront in the wonderful sunshine, and having several conversations with friends. I loved the silhouetted chimneys complete with gull which is my Blip today.

I went into the St Columba's Cathedral to see the sunlight through the stained glass windows and enjoyed a long chat with Maggie, a lady putting out candles. She told me all about her faith and the miracle that had happened to her family. Later I told her that I'd asked a friend who attended the cathedral if it was possible to get permission to ascend the tower and was told no. She told me to knock on the door of the priest's house and ask Father James. I did so, and told him that I'd love to go up the small spiral staircase at one corner of the tower - seen in my extra - to take photographs and he suggested that I phoned him sometime and he would arrange it. I'm looking forward to that - and he didn't even mention Health & Safety!

Back home as the sun was beginning to go down behind the hills of Mull. Wonderful to have such a gloriously sunny day!

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