It Takes Two

As in, it’s taken us two Dress Rehearsals to get it right. Or as right as it’s going to get without an audience to feed off. A much better run tonight with most of the lines included! We still need to speed it up a bit, probably by a good five to ten minutes. That will most likely come naturally as we become more familiar with the dialogue.
Paradoxically, I have been asked to ad-lib a few lines to cover a quick costume change, so we may need to go even quicker in the rest of that scene!
I continue to be plagued by the lurgy, along with quite a few of my fellow cast members. With four performances to go before I can have a rest, I’m hoping my voice will hold out - Saturday will be especially tricky as there are two performances that day.
Another day of rest planned for tomorrow, though I will almost certainly run through my lines at least twice before heading off to the theatre for the opening night.

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