
By LifeLines

Drinking Tea

This morning it was dry and bright so we took advantage of the lull in the weather to walk in the meadow with Merlin. He gets to run and seek out ‘good’ smells there, all of which keep him happy and a little less boisterous at home.

Afterwards I made a quick departure to the allotment to prune the blackcurrant and redcurrant bushes. I’d hardly arrived and the rain started. I decided to carry on and get wet. By lunchtime it was raining hard and as I wandered home feeling somewhat sodden, I could see some of the streams and ditches in the village straining to cope.

I’ve ventured out for a short wander this evening but am a little restricted in how far I can go such is the flooding. It’s certainly the worst I’ve seen in our seven years here. Hopefully it will not get much worse. There are many people who are experiencing much more serious conditions.

This is a selection of teas we were given at Christmas. It’s been a good day for tea drinking! I also revisited bread making. My skills are a little rusty but returned with surprising ease.

Hoping you are safe and well.

Grateful today:
- To get outside and enjoy time in the fresh air.
- To have dinner in a warm place with a roof over my head.
- For Blip.

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