And it’s finished

Apart from finishing off sewing in the ends. Though I may back it with some fleece which would save me from having to sew them in……

We kept Phin home from his usual daycare slot today as he’s back in again this weekend as we’re in Aberdeen overnight and can’t take him with us. I was planning to go on the morning dog walk but managed to miss the last step when I came down after my shower and twisted my foot a little so whilst the boys went to the park, I headed to the supermarket.

Shopping done, I rearranged a couple of cupboards when I came home before sorting the washing and doing the ironing.

Finally sat down at 3 to put the last few rows on Phin’s blanket. We had a somewhat damp walk before dinner but it was nice to get out and my foot seems to be ok.

Leftovers pasta bake was quite tasty and I’ve also made a bag of butternut squash and sweet potato soup to keep us going for lunches over the coming days.

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