This is definitely nearly probably the last 60th treat.
Today The Rev arranged another treat…to the Cheese Barge on The Regents Canal in London.
Oh my goodness it was delicious. We had 5 dishes with various cheeses ….stuffed courgettes, spinach fritters, tarteflette, toasties and 2 cheese desserts (The Rev’s came with port to pour over it!!!) and a drink or 2.

Whilst at Paddington Station we heard No trains will be running!! got to Charing Cross and it was similar…..
One train only leaving in the next few hours
So we got on because at least it was goi h in the right direction!!! It took 30 mins to leave then got off at Lewisham and tried to get a bus home. The winds were horrendous and scary. I struggled to stay up right and didn’t like all the scaffolding around!!!
We eventually got home nearly 4 hours later!!!! Usually an hours journey.

What a great treat….love cheese

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