
By LifeLines

Low Key

Storm Henk passed over today. Merlin decided he didn’t wish for a walk in heavy rain and gales so instead opted for a day on the sofa in front of the fire. Later he was persuaded to go for a gentle meander around the village. He found a lost ball so perhaps he felt it worth the effort.

Meanwhile I ventured out to meet up with a friend for a tea and scone at the Driftwood Cafe in Emsworth. We had a good long catch-up. She is about to embark on a trip to India, and then to New Zealand to visit family, so we won’t see each other again until the Spring. I returned and joined Merlin in front of the fire.

Grateful today:
- For uplifting conversation with a friend.
- For our New Year’s Day celebration dinner which we had a day late as we didn’t fancy it last night.
- For thoughts of the spring as I plan which vegetables to grow at the allotment this year.

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