Story cubes

I unearthed these as I started to re-organise my bookcases today - my contribution to the start of "operation declutter", one of my intentions for the year.  Whilst I was doing this T started on utility room. 

Anyhow these are, in case you are wondering, story cubes. I got them over a year ago following a suggestion from my then Gaelic tutor - the idea being that you throw them to create random sequence of pictures and use these to write a story. I'm going to use them to practice the past tense of irregular verbs as we will be expected to demonstrate this in our forthcoming oral assessments. 

In between bouts of reorganisation/decluttering we headed over to V&A's in Blair Athol - it is V's 70th birthday and they were hosting an informal open house to celebrate.  It was fun chatting to different people, some I knew but mainly new to me.

I also started to take down the Xmas decorations - looking forward to get back into a routine. 

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