The winter of '23-'24

As much as I don't like snow and ice, it is rather disconcerting to look out of the front door on January 2 and see absolutely no snow on the ground. It's getting to the stage where I am not sure what to complain about.

New Year 2024 has started rather well: Liverpool handed Newcastle United their arses on a plate and "Beh'Eddie" Howe's face was a picture.... 

Today, Ottawacker Jr. started his 4-day camp with Atletico Madrid's coaches (they also own the Ottawa franchise, so it has some benefits). He came back rather pleased with himself, so that is also quite positive. 

And I got an email from the Instituto de Belleza who, you might remember, were responsible for a rather inspired attempt at taming my hair a couple of years ago. They have a spot open for me for the Class of 24, should I be interested in turning up between January 4 and April 25. Now, it just so happens....

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