Taking the Plunge

This is one of those times when I got the moment, but didn’t have the lens, so here are my thousand words: That z-shape is a surfer who is in the middle of a back flip into the ocean. His board is already somewhere down there in the water. My attention was snagged in the first place by the guy on his phone, sitting in one of the most beautiful places around here, and possibly one of the most dangerous, at least when the surf is pounding; he is definitely past the safety fence and the warning notice. So there he is, oblivious on his phone, and I’m planning to write some snide caption, when bam! the surfer flips off the point and I push the button. Good reflexes, but a little short in the equipment department. I still can’t believe he jumped like that. I said something about bravery yesterday, but I wasn’t planning on being that brave. Maybe more like dipping my toe in the water…. So Happy New Year y’all!  May your oceans be calm and may all your backflips be thrilling!

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