


the new year

of 2024, that is - having just turned - the calendar again - i wasn’t planning on posting - another sunset having - just done so last night - but then the glow - began and it being - jan 1 how could i not

it represents new beginnings - which i am all about - i don’t much go in for - resolutions and that sort - but i do reflect - and ponder the year - what went well - what might i change - what new thing might - abba desire for me - to implement in my - life to have me be - more like him - to show more kindness - and compassion towards others - it doesn’t need to be in big ways - sometimes change can be - all about the little things we do - that make a huge impact - on those around us - and that’s what i can only hope and - pray my life reflects - at all times with - those i interact with - and in those moments - they will truly lead to…


happy day…..

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