Over Yonder

By Stoffel


My Dear Princess and Dear Fellow,

As you may recall, we have a Hogmanay tradition of VIOLENCE to see in the New Year. Mo comes over, I make a roast, we drink whisky and we watch a classic action movie. 

But THIS year we were joined by Tiger and Loulou as well! They were as much fun as always. By which I mean RUDE.

They were discussing Tiger's plans for his outfit to an upcoming wedding. He told us he was thinking of renting an Indian wedding outfit. 

"That will look amazing!" said Caro. 

"What's our first rule?" interrupted Loulou. "No upstaging the bride!"

Tiger agreed to cut back on the sequins. 

"Mind you, mum might like it," Loulou went on. "She has a thing for Indian men."

Caro asked what sort. Did she like a Sikh beard?

"We've never really gone into that level of detail," said Loulou. 

"So when you're having a W*NK," interrupted Tiger. "What sort of Indian bloke PRECISELY are you thinking of?"

This is why we love them.

The dinner, Caro's night-time festive lights (see blip) the whisky and the larfs all went off without a hitch. And then we watched, "Violent Night" as a film both in keeping with the season AND ridiculously action-packed.

I love our traditions. 



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