Diary of an Edinburgher

By LadyMarchmont

Happy New Year!

I heard the fireworks when I was tucked up in bed and half asleep. But I'm glad it was a nice dry calm night for the revellers, as I read that quite a few places in the UK had to cancel their New Year celebrations because of inclement weather.

JR was delighted yesterday when the chap doing her gym session said that he'd do an unofficial session again tomorrow (today) if anyone was interested. She was!

I made a bit of a start on my packing. Well, the suitcase is down from the cupboard, and I chucked all my half decent tee shirts in. I also got my pills sorted. Then I lost interest. Still too soon! Plenty of time...

But what I did do that was very useful, was go through the itinerary and note times and dates and reminders and addresses. We've actually got seven flights (four long haul and three internal) to check in for. FlightCentre website said 24 hours before for checkins, but the Qatar website says 48 hours before! Big difference, especially as we're NOT paying another £80-odd each to select a seat! What a rip off! We also have several day trips booked in Adelaide and Perth, (yes we did push the boat out!) and they need to be confirmed the day before. ALL noted.

In the afternoon JR and Chrissy and Archie went along to Queen's Park to watch the triathletes running and cycling round Arthur's Seat. Several of their gym pals were doing it. It was such a nice day for it. You can see the crowds watching the runners running up the hill. (EXTRA)

I gave up packing fairly soon after they'd left, got myself organised on the sofa with the box of Maltesers JR had hidden from me ages ago. I watched Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid and then Bridge on the River Kwai

We were supposed to pop down to Christine's tonight for drinkies, as she and her pal are off on a cruise this week - to South America! But she texted to cancel, as she's ill with food poisoning, and a few others from the family Christmas aren't too well either... I do hope hope she recovers before her trip - on Wednesday!

JR was not too disappointed about not going out again this evening. She's walked over 21,000 steps today. Archie, too, is zonked out beside me, snoring.

Photo by JR

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