Grey Heron
Happy New Year everyone!
I wasn't too sure what to expect this morning as my neighbour's daughter had been walking her dog round the loch last night and there were people letting of loads of fireworks. The official Edinburgh "party" fired off a full ton of fireworks according to the local paper. It was certainly very noisy! As I reached the entrance a man coming out with his dog told me there were 2 heron waiting for me. However when I got into the park there were 6 of them. The little female (pictured) was her usual self chasing the others further back. I got them all fed then made my way to the clearing (followed by 4 of them and the crows). When I reached the clearing the adult male was there waiting. I was quite relieved to see that they were none the worse for such a noisy night.
The crows followed me along the road and got biscuits.
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