Carol: Rosie & Mr. Fun

By Carol

Italian Food

I knew it was going to be a long day, but I had no idea how lovely the evening would become.

The morning started slow and leisurely and then suddenly without our noticing, the clock sped and it was time, almost beyond time, for Mr. Fun to be headed to his first appointment. Meanwhile, I needed to get each of the three pups into their harnesses so I could place them in the backseat of my car to take them to the groomers. While trying to get harnesses on, my wounded finger started to bleed. "Oh NO!" I yelled and headed upstairs to get a bandage -- dripping a trail of blood (I learned later from Mr. Fun, who cleaned it up). I also learned later that one of the eleven stitches had torn. What a mess!

I got the pups to the groomer. Told the gals there that Max and Mitzi needed baths and summer cuts and that Chloe needed a bath and her toenails trimmed. Chloe crouched in the corner of the backseat hoping I wouldn't reach her. She didn't want to go into the groomers. Good grief! Finally they were situated inside the groomer's shop ; all instructions were given; and I was back in the car and gone.

On the way home, I stopped at Kohl's department store to look for a few new pieces of summer clothing. We leave for family this coming Sunday and I usually panic a little thinking I don't have enough clothes (which is so stupid). I found a few items and was very proud of myself when I found a blouse on the clearance rack for $8.00. I love bargains. I purchased several other things as well, and then headed for home. I had lots of filing to do as I try to eliminate some of the paperwork we've accumulated in this house.

My phone rang at 1:30 with a "Barking" ringtone and I knew it was the groomer calling to let me know the pups were ready. I was delighted because Mr. Fun and I had a late afternoon appointment in Orange County and we needed the pups home and secure in their crates before that.

In Orange County we were meeting with our retirement counselor. It's just a "routine checkup" to make sure we have all of our ducks lining-up so someday we might get to retire. It was a productive and quality meeting and gave us the confirmation that retirement could be a reality rather than a dream.

We exited that meeting and decided to turn the evening into "Date Night." That was so enjoyable. We stopped at the Orange County Mining Company--a lovely restaurant--they were still having happy hour so we each ordered a beverage and sat on the outdoor deck enjoying the sights of the city. Then we drove to a favorite Italian restaurant and spent another hour or so enjoying a delicious meal.

That put us home a bit late, but the pups never complain. They just simply announce their joy at our return home as they prance from their crates.

It's been a good day.
Good night from Southern California.
Rosie (& Mr. Fun), aka Carol

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