Smitingen - another green bench picture.

This main picture features me so it's self-evident I didn't take the picture! I feel it's fair enough though because neither Jan nor Rose would wade through the deep snow to be the subject of my photo so I had to do the hard stuff and leave Jan to click the button on my picture!
We were down on the beach (extra 2) for a breath of fresh air after a visit to town. There were a few other people around but the beach was generally empty. Over the years I've taken a series of blips involving these green benches. They are either the main blip or an extra.
The snow is about 50cm deep but if you stick to the well-trodden paths (as seen in the picture) you can walk across it. Those paths are narrow, and if you step just a bit outside the path you can easily lose your balance and find yourself lying in the snow. Fortunately it is forgiving medium and only your pride is likely to be hurt!
I have a fascination for winter beaches, especially here where the beach disappears under 50 cm of snow. The vestiges of summer play are still around (note the swings, and indeed the bench) but they are waiting for warmer days.
Unsurprisingly no-one was swimming, but if surf appears Härnösand's dedicated surfers will almost certainly appear and do their stuff, as they did 10 years ago in December, 2013!
The extra 1 is a slight cheat, as it was taken by Jan, with my role purely being a subject. However, it is such a lovely picture showing a great contrast between the inside world of Cafe Sigrid, and the outside world of one of our town's pedestrianised streets and I felt it had to be on blip as an extra.
I also took a couple of short films today showing the snow being removed from Härnösand's main street. On the day of the big fall it was swept into the centre of the road, opening up a lane in each direction, to keep the traffic moving. Now, 24 hours later, the next phase, removing that snow and transporting it to a snow-dump outside of town, had started. I took the videos to show the smaller kids in the family how it worked but for any adult kids who are interested here is a 30 second video, and here is a 10 second one.

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