
By AuntieP

Ethereal moon

Just 4 of us for a late early walk this morning.  We were lucky to escape the rain, had to negotiate some trees fallen over the paths over the last days of storms. One big branch had come down across the gateway access to the pond and demolished the gate! (Extra).
Back home as the rain started again, polished the ‘Christmas’ cutlery and put it away till next time then some cleaning jobs. 
In the afternoon went to visit our friends whose daughter and her husband have been visiting from the USA over Christmas.  They’d just got back from a couple of days in the lakes via Kendal urgent care department as he’d put his back out!  They’d called at the farm shop in Skipton on the way back only to find it ‘Temporarily closed’ according to the notice on the door.  Later we found out that the closure looks to be more than temporary due to financial difficulties.. Staff were only told that morning, a great shame.

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