
Another day, another hospital visit.  They are assiduously checking No.1's bloods as the levels were very low before Christmas - 6 visits in the last 10 days or so!  We had an early start today and the roads were clear, normally just over an hour and a quarter each way.  It was almost a record visit today as we were in and out in under two hours (much better than the seven hours on Christmas Eve!!).  All seems ok and the levels are going up and concerns about liver (which was a new one I had not known about) seem to be better.  However they will keep checking and she is back again twice next week.  Such a pain and my heart aches for her and everything she is going through.  Trying to find a chink of sunshine somewhere but with the rain peeing down, its not easy!!

However we got home by 12.30 and after she had a nap, my brother S and family arrived for lunch.  We sat in the conservatory and the fire was alight and we had a good afternoon and a game of scrabble in pairs - No.1 and I won!

Harry Potter film in the evening - OH was a bit miffed as his team were playing and he wanted to get the game on the stick but he was outnumbered.  He watched them lose (again) in the last ten minutes.

While we were at the RM this morning waiting for results we had a walk around the grounds.  They have recently opened a new cancer centre - lovely state of the art building and there is lots of demolition going on so I suspect more development work in the pipeline.  With 1:2 people getting cancer I guess they will need it.  The picture was of the demolition.

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