Diary of an Edinburgher

By LadyMarchmont

have made a start on my 'capsule wardrobe'! Or, I've just looked out my summery gear. And then put them all away again. It won't take me long, but there's no room to lay stuff out yet - JR has taken over the spare room. It looks like she's got two suitcases full, so she'll have to whittle that down a bit. We have got a big luggage allowance, being Business Class (SO EXCITED), but we keep moving around - planes, boats and trains. Well, no boats actually. But YES!! There are boats - we have two trips to two islands, but won't need luggage.

I've sorted out the non-appearance of Archie's 2024 calendar. I've been waiting for it, thinking I'd sent it in a bit late, so it wouldn't be in time for Christmas. Now it won't even be time for January 1st! But it's on it's way to me now. Then it will wing its way across the world. Well, NZ and Jersey... and Newcastle...

JR, after the gym, took Archie to Waitrose. She needed to get some things for this evening. Archie likes going to Waitrose, and hops up to where he's tied up. We're going round to visit Pip and his mum and dad. Exciting enough, but Hamish is also coming with his mum and dad. Archie will be SO excited. But only for the first few minutes, then he wants to go and sit in a corner. Mind you the other two dogs also have their quirks. Big Hamish is terrified of popping corks.

A lovely evening, Hamish removed himself immediately to the bedroom, but Archie hung around.  Lots of laughs and discussions about life. We're all glad we're not young!! It's going to be tough...

PS I’ve had such a bother with loading a photo in this. The one I wanted to use kept coming in sideways. So this one will do.

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