This is one of the lilies in the bouquet Becky sent me which arrived last Friday.  Three of the lilies are open now and there are another 3 buds which are still closed.  Thanks to BikerBear for hosting Flower Friday.

The weather was rainy for most of the day but around 3.30pm it was dry so I decided to go to the Co-op.  Got the rest of the things on Beckys list plus a few other bits and pieces.  It started raining heavily when I was about half way home.  I got quite wet so I got straight into my PJ's when I got indoors.

Did some more sorting out but even after spending quite a long time on it I seem to be not much further forward.  I will have to " billy whizz " around tomorrow - my visitors won't arrive till the afternoon.

Steps today - 8,814

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