
By ruthie1

Christmas No.2

It was a crazy, windy night so Mum & Dad were weary after sleeping out in the van (we did offer up our bed!)
Anna had also had a bad night but the kids were ready and raring to go!
They patiently waited as we showered, prepared the turkey roast, dressed the table etc.
Classical carols booming out, fires and candles lit and plenty of chocolate and treats available. Anya & Max entertained themselves with some of their Christmas Day toys whilst checking in/nagging every so often to see how long it would be until the food was ready…
The meal was well worth the effort and wait!
How does it take so long to do though?!! The potatoes took longer than expected, I forgot to get the parsnips out until halfway through the meal, Dad made the gravy as always, with Anna asking why he hadn’t made more! Anya’s favourite was the pigs in blankets, Max loved the turkey! After taking hours to prepare, we had demolished it pretty quickly!
It was 3pm before we started opening pressies though. It’s lucky the children had had most of theirs in the 25th. Still, there were some lovely surprises for them. Max was especially excited by his tiger adoption and fluffy tiger, Anya her rock tumbler! Anna was thrilled with her marzipan log, Dad his spray mop, haha and my Mum always loves her annual photo calendar. Teddy was more interested in tearing off wrappers, the big boys payed with their gadgets and Mum knocked the tree over trying to reach the final present! :)
We played games in the evening and continued eating with the flaming pudding, viennetta (a nostalgic tradition), choc log, brandy butter (mum’s homemade is the best!) more icecream and cream and all washed down with clementines and lychees. A lovely, lovely if a bit exhausting day :)

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