
By dunkyc

Heavy Soul

Sending the wee ones back to their mother is never my favourite time, but it is made all that bit harder around this time of year.

At a loose end and with a heavy soul I decided not to mope and instead threw some walking gear in the back of the car before heading off for a stroll around the shore of Derwentwater in Keswick.

The drive through the lakes was perfectly soundtracked by Ludovico Einaudi, even at one point moving me to tears as the crescendo of The Water Diviner aligned perfectly with the light beaming down on to Keswick as a rainbow soared over it.

It was pretty fresh down by the lake itself, but I kept moving along the shore and stayed there until I got hungry, at which point I briefly returned to civilisation for a delicious take away burrito and some sweet treats (masking my disappointment at Friar’s changing their jelly baby supplier). Moving back to the lake I found a nice little nook away from the tourists where I holed up out of the wind to refuel.

I was tempted to take a walk up Walla Crag, but with time running out on the National Trust car park and a mortgage to pay, I thought better of it and turned on my heel to head back to the car. It was serendipitous, for no sooner had I sat in the boot to change my boots that the heavens opened to release a heavy hail shower!

Bullet dodged, I drove home to return to my rock n roll lifestyle of doing some washing and falling asleep in front of a film.

I even attempted a run, but this time timing it terribly as once more the heavens opened with a massive downpour.

Can’t win ‘em all! 

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