Golau cyntaf

Golau cyntaf ~ First light

“Photography concentrates one’s eye on the superficial. For that reason it obscures the hidden life which glimmers through the outlines of things like a play of light and shade. One can’t catch that even with the sharpest lens. One has to grope for it by feeling.”
― Franz Kafka

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Roedd e'n ddiwrnod o fwy o law a mwy o waith. Treulion ni'r dydd yn weindio gwlân ac yn brawf ddarllen llyfrau. Mewn gwirionedd roedd e yn union fel ddoe  .

Mae'r golau ar draws y llenni yw'r golau o'n golau diogelwch - cael ei sbarduno yn ôl pob tebyg gan gath neu gymydog. Efallai lladron, dych chi byth yn gwybod.

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It was a day of more rain and more work. We spent the day winding wool and proofreading books. In fact it was just like yesterday.

The light across the curtains is the light from our security light - probably triggered by a cat or a neighbour. Maybe thieves, you never know.

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Disgrifiad (Cymraeg): Golau ar draws y llenni
Description (English): Light across the curtains

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