Boxing Day flowers

Walked up Kelston round hill, my favourite place near Bristol.  In the panorama from the top you can see Bristol, and mountains in Wales.  Trust me.
There is an event (a bit like the great British bird count) called the New Year Plant hunt.  It’s supposed to be done between Dec 30th and Jan2nd but I don’t suppose it makes any difference.  Anyhow we saw 14 plants in flower - I’ve shown 13 as the half eaten buttercups weren’t that nice. 
We identified them all, but not without help from phones. Top left to bottom right:
Main picture: 
Common dandelion, ivy-leaved toadflax, pineapple weed, knapweed. 
Red valerian, hogweed, forget-me-not
Annual mercury, mouse-ear chickweed, red dead nettle
Ragwort, white nettle, petty spurge

I thought this was a good use of my last extra of the year. I wasn’t really that surprised to find 14 different flowers. Seasons aren’t as clear cut nowadays. 

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