Sailor's Philosophy

You cannot direct the winds but you can adjust the sails.

Ruth really enjoys sailing although she's had precious few opportunities on the water in recent years.  This hangs on her living room wall above her Christmas tree.

We had a long lie in this morning after yesterday's adventures.  Back not long before midnight, it took a while to unwind.  It's been a quieter day today, my main task was to clear Ruth's shed which will be taken down when the ramp is installed.   The job was as good as done when I went to open the back gate and drop some rubbish in the bin.  The gate jams in wet weather but a good pull with two hands on the handle get's it open.  This time it broke, the end shearing off in my hands.   The sharp stump remaining cut deep into both forefingers .... a bloody end to my labours.   Washed out and bound up, the cuts are not too serious but I might have to get the deeper one checked out.  We'll see what tomorrow brings.

None of which stopped us enjoying yet another tasty Christmas meal this evening ... although I was glad to find washing up gloves under the sink.  Ruth can't reach it and I need avoid messing up my wounds!  Rain tomorrow so a much needed restful day awaits.

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