Mission Accomplished

This is where yesterday’s treasure hunt ended, in the hearth in the hall. Two small carrier bags had appeared out of nowhere beside Father Christmas while the girls were upstairs looking for clues.

Today has been a reprise of Christmas Day, except without the giving of presents. Granny and Grandpa produced a very similar meal to yesterday’s, which was especially well received by our two youngest sons, who have enormous appetites. Our middle son also took home a quantity of leftovers which should keep him happy for a day or two. 

The littlies were full of energy, talking and running around non-stop. Mummy and Daddy took them to the television room for a while, during which time Granny and Grandpa managed to snatch a brief nap. When we were all together again Granny suggested a game of ‘hunt the thimble’ which H, who is four, loves playing. She enjoyed finding it on one occasion on Grandpa’s head! After endless turns she was eager for more, but by then it was time to go home.

I have really enjoyed the last two days, but I confess I am desperately looking forward to being able to relax and just let go tomorrow. 

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